26 January 2009

Bottle Blowing

This is one of my favorite music commercials. I'm sure you have played with a bottle, blowing across the top just right. As you drink, the pitch changes, (it gets lower). My dad sent me this link quite a while ago and I use it once in a while teaching. Sometimes, when the kids come having had a bad day, their mind is wandering, can't focus.......I revert to a few minutes of music appreciation. YouTube is a great place to find unique clips. But this commercial, and the site, is all in the promotion. It is such a novel idea, and I really love watching it and behind the scenes. It goes along with chatting with Eckert Preu, just love the full orchestra. Enjoy! Love, Jenn =) http://vbsymphony.com.au/view/ If you are a little squirmy about it being an Australian Beer Company, remember this is music appreciation! ~ Wouldn't this be fun with a Primary song or in a Group Lesson? Just had an idea!

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