When we went to the Girl's Camp Fireside, we aggreed to take a little kitten. Silly me, what was I thinking! You would think I have enough little critters running around my house with 5 hamsters (another service-oriented resuce story), Cocoa (our aging kitty, I think she is 91/2 - anyone know cat years?), plus my 4 kids, 1 nephew, and just because I'm on a roll, Mike, too!

She is so small! They say she was 8 weeks, but goodness, she is tiny! Here she is in Mal's sweatshirt pocket. We all call her something different: Mal calls her Jynx, Mike calls her Spike, Jacob just calls her Kitty, I personally like to call her Deantsy (Dintsy? Deeeeeentsy?) I need a good language person to comment on the spelling please, where's Mal when I am typing!

She likes to hang out around our necks, I suppose it reminds her of her mother. Warm, near our vocal cords for purring and talking, and can feel our hearts beating.

Cocoa doesn't really care for her, but hopefully that will change over time. In the meantime, I give Cocoa extra love and space on the bed until she adjusts (don't tell Mike!).