Time has flown by, it seems Spring Break was so long ago, but Jacob has just left. As he has mentioned in one of his letters, it's has something to do with the space time continuum. I'm a little slow on the draw these days. The day after we got home from SLC, I fell and broke my elbow. At least for today, it's in a temporary splint til we see new x-rays tomorrow. So, let's see how long it takes me to post......
We had such a great time in Utah. The short version....
Happy Birthday to Mike!

Sunday Night Jam,

Blurry, candid, but reflects the mood of the trip...........
The girls being silly.........
Zach, hiding.......stinking cute!
Looking toward the temple, from the 10th floor of the Joseph Smith Memorial Building. You can see the Conference Center across the street to the right.
1 comment:
I can't believe you broke you elbow. I hope the healing goes well.
Happy Birthday Mike! Seeing a 4 on birthday cakes still is surreal to me. How can we be in our 40's already?!?
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