Found another use for my new rolling pin. ^.^ I made bread tonight and thought I would share it with everyone. It is a simple french bread recipe that I have stumbled across and have made a few changes.
2 TB yeast
1/2 cup warm water
2 cups hot water
3 TB splenda
1 TB salt
5 TB Shortening, melted, or vegetable oil
6 cups flour, unsifted and divided
3 egg whites, beaten
1/2 cup sesame seeds
In a small cup dissolve yeast in the warm water. In a large bowl, combine hot water, sugar, salt, shortening and 3 cups of the flour. Beat well with wooden spoon, or in a large mixer using a dough attachment. Stir in dissolved yeast. Add remaining 3 cups of flour, mixing well until blended.
Leave spoon/dough hook in batter, allowing dough to rest for 10 minutes. Stir again vigorously, allowing dough to rest another 10 minutes. Repeat until dough has been stirred 5 times.
On floured board (counter), turn out dough and knead once or twice until it is lightly covered with flour. Divide dough in half. Roll each half into rectangles, about 9x12 inches.
Strategy Tips:
1. I love using my Kitchen Aid with the dough attatchment. I can knead, but haven't done it enough, so it scares me. Silly, but true!
2. These loaves I used 3 cups whole wheat and 3 cups white flour.
3. I place a sticky note on the cupboard and use tally marks to count the mixing and resting cycles. I can get side-tracked easily!
4. Once again, I can not believe how easy it was to roll out the dough with my marble pin! I am starting to think, "How in the world did I ever live without this!"
5. I forgot to put the gashes in the top of my loaves. Running out the door to the airport!
6. The bread rose almost an hour because of the round-trip to the airport. Still turned out great. Just in case you get side-tracked in the rising step - it can go longer!
7. Enjoy! Love, Jenn =)
That looks yummy. And not an intimidating some are.
Can you use regular sugar instead of splenda?
Yes! Splenda is made from sugar but does not have the 'sugar' effects. I am diabetic and can use the splenda as an equal replacement. So, if you see I have used it in a recipe, just replace with the same amount of sugar. =)
Thanks for the update on Jacob. We will look forward to more news about him. Have to tell you I love Prepared Pantry. I've ordered mixes and stuff for awhile. They are great.
sorry for intruding on your blog.
My daughter has a recipe blog you might be interested in. Here is her blog address:
Sharon Johnson
Sharon, thanks so much for commenting. I'm jsut staring out and haven't decided what direction to take with this, but it is fun!
Your daughters site is awesome! It will take me a while to browse through everthing, but I've bookmarked it!
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