Well, we have had a whirl-wind week! I was so tired, when I was finally done on Saturday I made chocolate-chip cookies and bread! Then I have had trouble uploading pictures from my camera, so......Mike has been helping me figure it out and getting ready for the coming week at the same time.
The boys have been fairly quiet this week. Jacob has been working on making his lists for his mission, running errands and such. We see him on and off, but he is pretty much taking charge (in his way). We are trying to figure out how to get everyone to SLC. Richy is being Richy, working on homework and being funny. I have to stop and consciously think, "he's teasing". He can be really funny, but sometimes it catches me off guard and I have to give him "the-LOOK", if you know what I mean. I asked him to help me with the cookies on Sat so we could spend time together, he decided it was ok to hang out with his mom!
The girls had the busiest week in a long time, and it hit them both at the same time. Mallory had an FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America) competition on Wed, then was totally shocked when she won first place in a category about decision making. Wow, she was so excited! Got a plaque and everything...

Becca had piano 4 nights this week. She usually has 1 lesson on Fridays. Her teacher is fabulous and amazing! This is the 3rd year she has had a benefit, "Around the World in 88 Keys", to raise $$$ for the Spokane Community Partners. Becca was singing in a choir with younger students. 1 night group lesson, 1 night rehearsal on stage, 1 night sound check, and one night performance. It was totally amazing the other local professionals that were there. Piano, vocal, ballet, Professors, Celtic, Thai, but after an hour and a half and just getting to Intermission? we left. Becca was so tired and she had already done her part. Good little trooper.
I have been busy with my new calling. With a huge boundary change up, there are a lot of people who don't know each other, callings have been left empty because they moved to another ward, and if you came into a new ward you don't have a calling. So, matching up callings, and organizing from scratch a Visiting Teaching/Home Teaching Route is a HUGE undertaking. I have been talking with a lot of sisters this week! I feel like I am on the phone a lot more now, too. I have missed getting on line, just too tired, checking out the mail, facebook, writing the blogs, music stuff, my favorite sites. I did find time to make a new recipe, homemade Ranch Dressing. It was yummy! Recipe in the previous post, I posted that first so it would come after. Sly aren't I?
The animals are getting along better. Zeke is still full of energy. The 3 black cats are starting to get along. Cocoa will tolerate Chloe because she is so mellow, but poor DM, Cocoa has no patience with her yet. We did catch a moment when they were all eating out of the same bowl.
Now, that is progress! Cocoa is also willing to come out into the main rooms during the day and eat, knowing that Zeke is far enough away. He tends to surprise her once in a while, but we give Cocoa the right-of-way. She is after all over 60 in cat years!
Hope fully in a few weeks, I will be able to get back in the swing of things. in the meantime, there will be random posts and news. GOT to get organized! Love, Jenn =)
1 comment:
Whew, Jenn - - I'm so tired just reading your blog. What a great family and what great news on the kids. Hard work always pays off doesn't it.
We have our Preemie home now and is she ever a cutie. My blog will show some pictures of her.
Erin gave birth three months early, weighing 1 lb. ll oz.
Carli is doing well and weighs 6 lb. now. She's home with a monitor for a couple of months for Erin's sanity.
Love you blog.
I'll try your Ranch Dressing - sounds good.
Sharon J.
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