Well, it seems like forever since I've checked in. My friends are like, "where are you?" Life has been so busy and now that school is getting out on Wed, (yes, thank you Winter snow and too many snow days that we are now paying for....) I can start to get caught up on the 439 pictures I just downloaded to my computer. I put them in a "Clear Camera" folder and will post as I move them to the right file. If anyone has a great way to organize their pictures, I'm up for suggestions.
Upcoming posts will be about Graduation and additional family (I just noticed my dad added all his the pictures he took to his file on my computer - way to go Dad!!!), Prom, more Track, Birthdays, Lake (bumble-bees, geese, turtles, & sunsets along with a few water sports and boat drivers!), and of course, catching up Jacob's Mission Blog, which has been neglected also. Hope you will tune in over the next little while...........
But, on to the burning question in a lot your minds........
"What ever happened to your cups, Jenn?"
Funny you should ask me about that, and I have a picture to prove it!! If any of you need a refresher on the subject, you can check out the history here. Feel free to read the comments and suggestions offered by all.
Now, I've been home from Utah about 3 weeks, my dear sister is over for dinner before I take her to the airport one lovely, Sunday evening. She asked me about how my adventure was going and if I had tried any of the suggestions that had been offered. I replied, I hadn't had the opportunity, I was going to try that week, now that we were home from taking Jacob to the MTC. She pickes up my stuck mess.........

and "POP"
they come right apart!
No, kidding......we laughed so hard! So, I am not very strong and my engineer sister is way smarter than me! Must be all in the wrist, the twist, pressure applied at the right angle, I don't know.....But, the cups are safe, not broken or tossed, back in the cupboard with a good chuckle! Love, Jenn =)
Omigosh, you know I have to comment on the cups right? Seriously Jennifer! They couldn't have been stuck that badly. Or maybe there was a change in humidity or something over the past few months?? Ha ha...glad they finally came apart. Mine would have been in the trash LONG ago.
Lol, I shoud've known you would have commented and had something to say! I miss you! See you this summer... Jenn =)
Gotta love those engineers. What would we do without them?!?
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